Since day one of this Parliament, the Conservative Opposition has pledged to be the voice of the taxpayer, and stand up to wasteful spending by the Liberal Government. Whether it’s fighting higher deficits and more debt, or rejecting new carbon taxes, payroll tax-hikes, or taxes on health and dental plans, Conservatives will ensure that your voice is heard. I’m incredibly proud to work with my colleagues in the Conservative caucus. We are very united as a caucus, and in our goal to protect you from wasteful Liberals and propose alternative Conservative solutions for our country’s future.
I’m also proud to be a Member of the Party that has 14 qualified candidates running to lead our movement, and become the next Prime Minster of Canada. Each candidate brings a unique perspective to the table, and I hope you take the time to review their policies and platforms before making your choice in May 2017. Remember, you must buy a membership before March 28 in order to vote! I hope to see you at the Edmonton leadership debate on February 28at the Maclab Theatre (inside the Citadel Theatre), at 9828 101A Avenue NW.
Edmonton West is a growing and dynamic constituency, and I always enjoy getting out and around our community to see what my fantastic constituents are up to. I was fortunate to visit the Maier Centre for Autism, the Hope Mission downtown, and the Elves Society. I was pleased to participate in the annual Hanukkah lighting ceremony, to serve breakfast with the Knights of Columbus, to stand in solidarity with our Muslim community at the Rahma Mosque, and to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. After four weeks of legislative work in Ottawa, I’m excited to get back to Edmonton West for the last few days of February and the first few days of March. I`ll be in our office in the Hamptons at 5613 199th St. Just give us a call at 780-392-2515 if you wish to come in and meet. The coffee is always on!